PECS 2021

Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent Systems

Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent Systems

PECS  - INRIA Conference center
Rennes, France
April 20, 2021

The 2021 Workshop on Performance and Energy efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed Systems (PECS) will take place at Rennes, France on April 20, 2021 in INRIA Conference center. The workshop will be co-located with the 12th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering.

Concurrent systems, based on (distributed) multi/many-core processing units, are the nowadays reference computing architecture. The (continuously-growing) level of hardware parallelism they offer has lead these platforms to play a central role at any scale, ranging from data centers, to personal (mobile) devices. Optimizing performance and/or ensuring energy efficiency when running complex software stacks on top of these systems is extremely challenging due to several aspects, like data dependencies or resource sharing (and interference) among application threads, as well as VMs. Furthermore, hardware accelerators like GPGPUs or FPGAs introduce a level of heterogeneity that can potentially offer further opportunities for combined gain in performance and energy efficiency, if correctly exploited.

The goal of this workshop is to establish a venue for both academia and industry experts and practitioners, where they can discuss challenges, perspectives and opportunities given by researching on scalable, energy-efficient and secure software deployed on top of modern (heterogeneous) concurrent platforms.

Current organization status

At current time, due to the uncertainty around the COVID pandemic, we cannot guarantee it will be possible to have a physical workshop. We also recognize the challenges some of our community members might face in traveling. According to the main ICPE conference, the conference model is “on-site with remote participation facilities”, meaning that the organizing committee is looking forward to a live event, but will provide the required infrastructure for online presence.

Important Deadlines

Deadline: Midnight (AOE)  
Abstract Submission (required for all papers) No abstract submission required Jan 15, 2021
Paper Submission Jan 20 Jan 31, 2021
Paper Notification of Acceptance Feb 14, 2021
Camera-Ready Version Feb 22, 2021
Workshop Apr 20, 2021

2025 Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent Systems. All rights reserved.