PECS 2025

Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed Systems

Call for Papers

Nowadays, concurrent and distributed systems play a role in a variety of computing applications. This is supported by the widespread use of computing architectures based on multi-core processors and distributed computing units, which have become a standard de-facto at any system scale.

However, the increasing level of hardware parallelism and heterogeneity has made concurrent and distributed systems even more complex to design, analyze and optimize. In particular, this concerns performance and energy efficiency, which are known to be highly interrelated. Nonetheless, they play a key role, even because of the increasing global electricity demand by the IT sector.

In concurrent and distributed systems, energy efficiency and performance can be affected in a complex way by various factors, such as the concurrent use of computing resources, the distributed communication, the presence of (distributed) data dependencies and, ultimately, the need for synchronization of concurrent threads/processes. However, these and other factors also offer opportunities to be explored in the design of techniques and tools for improving energy efficiency and performance.

PECS aims to establish a venue for both academia and industry to discuss challenges and perspectives, and to explore methods, techniques and tools for energy efficiency and performance analysis and optimization in concurrent and distributed systems.

PECS calls for high-quality research papers on all aspects of energy efficiency, performance and their interrelations in concurrent and/or distributed computing systems, focusing on (but not limited to) the following topics:

This edition is colocated with the 31th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-PAR).

Important Dates

Paper Submission May 05, 2025, 23:59 AoE
Paper Notification of Acceptance June 23, 2025
Camera-Ready Submission July 7, 2025
Workshop Day August 25-26, 2025

Paper Submission

See authors information.

2025 Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed Systems. All rights reserved.